Monday, 19 December 2011

Pig's Saddle...

tying up loose ends...

ok, so... it's the christmas break and I want to get my work organised, no half finished models, I need a good sort out. So first things first, I need to get on with modelling the seats and poles for the carousel creatures, then when it comes to uv mapping I can get on with it and know everything is together and complete...

I'm going to be modelling the poles and seats seperate to each other and of course the original models...

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Playing with Alphas in Z-Brush; The first 'Arm'

planning the layout of the teacups and the ride structure

I have quickly modelled a rough structure of the overall ride, I like the arkwardness and non-symetry of the 'arms' of the ride, It is likely that I will keep these five and distort them more and texture them in z-brush. I placed the already modelled teapot in the centre and I think the rounded base needs to be a fair bit bigger for everything to be in proportion. Then it's just a matter for stretching the 'arms' to fit to the centre.

Dumb moment over...

To make the seating bit inside the teacup I simply extruded a row of faces out into the centre of the cup.

Vicky suggested I extrude the edges of the outer cup and then merge the vertex together to make one mesh, so... that's what I did!

A Dainty Handle...

The First Cup...

Ok, so whilst I'm waiting for the obvious answer to pop into my head, I've decided to continue with the outer body of the cup, here I deleted the rounded curve of the sphere at the very bottom and filled the gap with 'fill hole'. Then created 20 individual polygons using the 'interactive split tool' so that the bottom could be extruded.

Hopefully I will work out how to join these two woith geometry in the middle, at the minute the 'fill hole' or 'bridge tool' don't seem to be working...

Here I modelled the main body, starting with a sphere and deleting the top faces, then attatched a 'doughnut' shape to create the outer lip. Combined the vertex and then made a duplicate of the model and deleted the top so that it can be used as the inner layer, to give the cup a thickness.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Teapot to Z-Brush....

This is the finished teapot model, I used the symmetry in z-brush to draw on the detail of the handle and spout, and made the grooves on the main body manually.

Modelling the Teacup...

The finished model in smooth mode, ready to go into z-brush so that extra detail can be added.

Just a quick screen shot of merging the vertex of the leg and teapot.

Instead of wasting time with modelling each 'leg' individually, I made multiple duplicates of the model and deleted the faces around, leaving the 'leg' alone. Now I will go into the original model and combine the seperate parts together to make one mesh.

This teapot was modelled from a cylinder, it is all one mesh, the lid, spout and handle were all extruded. As were the smaller curls and extra details.

starting to model the carousel top...

filler tree design in progress...

Monday, 21 November 2011

snake colour test

This is the finished colour test concept for the swansnake. I am happy with the overall colour palette as it fits with the usual brightness of a carousel ride, but at the same time, the greens and blues in contrast with the yellow create a surreal look.

Friday, 18 November 2011


Modelling the chameleox in maya...

Here I modelled the left half of the creature, I have mirrored the geometry, and now I can go in and move the points so the legs aren't symetrical

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Modelling in Maya

Added a few more details, including the eye socket and a few stray feathers, also extruded the feet. Here's a quick preview with mirrored geometry. Just a few more tweaks to neaten the polys and then it will be ready to take into z-brush for extra detail sculpting, I am hoping to put on a nice scale texture effect.

A quick update to 2012... and the first signs of it looking like a snake!

Image Planes...